4 new A1 service zones in Romania


Yesterday, 4 new service zones began to operate on two sections of the Romanian highway A1. Logist.Today learned about this from a message published by the press service of the National Company for the Management of Road Infrastructure of Romania (CNAIR).

Under a concession agreement with CNAIR, Rompetrol Downstream SRL on March 9 put into operation 4 new service zones on the A1 highway, which are located:
– section Nadlac – Arad, km. 558+380 (left and right), near the city of Pechika;
– section Deva – Orestye, km. 340+500 (left and right), near the town of Orestye.

On the section Nadlac – Arad, the facilities have:
– 158 parking spaces for cars (79 spaces in each zone), of which 10 parking spaces for cars belonging to the disabled (5 spaces in each zone);
– 28 parking spaces for trucks (14 spaces in each zone);
– 18 parking spaces for buses (9 spaces in each zone);
– 8 places for charging electric vehicles (4 places in each zone: 100 kW (DC) and 22 kW (AC) – CCS, CHAdeMO and Type 2 sockets);
– 4 air-water-vacuum points (2 in each zone);
– 2 filling stations (one in each zone);
– 2 LPG filling stations (one in each zone);
– in each zone, one commercial premises;
– one snack bar in each zone;
– Each zone has one public toilet.

On the section Deva – Orestie, the facilities have:
– 202 parking spaces for cars (105 spaces at Calea 1 and 97 spaces each at Calea 2), of which 10 parking spaces for cars belonging to the disabled (5 spaces in each zone);
– 28 parking spaces for trucks and buses (14 spaces in each zone);
– 8 places for charging electric vehicles (4 places in each zone: 100 kW (DC) and 22 kW (AC) – CCS, CHAdeMO and Type 2 sockets);
– 4 air-water-vacuum points (2 in each zone);
– 2 filling stations (one in each zone);
– 2 LPG filling stations (one in each zone);
– in each zone, one commercial premises;
– one snack bar in each zone;
– Each zone has one public toilet.

According to a statement from CNAIR, according to the existing strategy, in the near future on the section between Arad and Lugoi on the A1 highway, new service zones will be opened in the following places:
– in the Chagu area, km. 530+536 (left and right);
– in the Dzharmata region, km. 500+596 (left and right);
– in the Rekash area, 481+646 (left and right).

Logist.Today recalls that three months ago, two service zones were opened on the Romanian highway A1 on the Lugoj-Deva section near the city of Faget.

Source: logits