Brazilian Senate Approves Air Agreement With Angola


The Plenary of the Senate approved the draft legislative decree (PDL) containing the aeronautical services agreement between Brazil and the Republic of Angola (PDL 460/2022). The agreement guarantees special rights for companies from both countries to operate flights in each other’s territory. The bill goes forward for enactment.The agreement was signed in Montreal, Canada, in 2019. The body responsible for coordination on the Brazilian side will be the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac). According to the terms, the two countries will have to designate airlines to take full advantage of the rights established by diplomatic cooperation.The companies chosen will be able to make stopovers in the partner country’s territory for non-commercial purposes, fly over the other nation’s area without landing, sell and market international air services in the other country and establish their own offices in foreign territory. They will also be able to make stopovers to embark and disembark passengers, baggage and cargo at points specified in the Route Chart agreed jointly by the aeronautical authorities of each country.In addition, the parties will cooperate in implementing aviation security measures, including cases of aircraft and passenger hijackings. Astronaut Senator Marcos Pontes (PL-SP) was the bill’s rapporteur. He assessed that the agreement complies with the practices established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and said that air transport users in both Brazil and Angola will benefit from the document.

Source : Medafrica Times