Ethiopia: CSOs Playing Part Towards Inclusive, Transparent Nat’l Dialogue


Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) said that they are playing due role for an inclusive and transparent National Dialogue thereby solving the nation’s multifaceted problems as planned.

Ethiopia’s National Dialogue is designed to ensure public consensus on various national issues that have been a serious bone of contention so that it requires inclusiveness and transparency which inspired CSOs to play part in creating awareness and promoting inclusion.

New Life Charitable Organization Manager and Lawyer Helen Tilahun told The Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that the organization has been contributing fair share to make the dialogue more inclusive through mobilizing persons with disability, elderly, street persons and others that have not been addressed.

As to her, the organization is especially working on discussing with community representatives as scheduled by the National Dialogue Commission (NDC).

She further stated that Ethiopia is capable of realizing the national consensus as the country has drawn important lesson from Rwanda, and being ready for forgiveness and close talks which help the process to be inclusive and rewarding.

Egna Legna Youth Health Development Chartable Organization Founder and Manager, Fetlework Mitiku on her part said that her organization is working hard on awareness creation among the society about the significances of National Dialogue in Shashemene town.

“We have been able to involve more than 200 young volunteers in this matter, and much more is expected,” she said. For New Bright Community Development Center Manager, Tsedale Kinfu, “There is an attitude among the majority of the society that the participation at the individual level does not make any difference.”

This assumption should be corrected immediately, she said, adding “We have taken a valuable training from the NDC that helps to create awareness among the community.”

Tsedale’s center identified youth members in collaboration with other similar charitable organizations to help the national dialogue commission hit the target. She also stressed on the need to evaluating the NDC activities since the inception phase, and drawing lesson from other countries as it is significant to realize the expected outcome.

“We will also continue working on the matter to draw vital experiences about national consensus, reconciliation, and similar issues from other countries,” she said.

Source : AllAfrica